You Input is Needed: The Stations of the Cross for the Mentally Ill
Hello Everyone,
I want to thank everyone who donated to help us produce, print and mail out our 2020 Newsletter. It is being completed in record time this year. So many of you have generous hearts whether it is by prayerful support or monetary donations. We are accomplishing this task together. The production is done by the Duff family from their kitchen table! Twenty-five hundred newsletters make 7,500 pieces of paper that we hand fold and stuff with prayer and love each time an envelope is sent to the post-office.
I cannot believe our 25th Anniversary is coming up for 2021. We must start planning NOW!. It will take the rest of the year to save up for what I am planning.
Tim has worked with Sr. Isidora and we have completed both a new Novena to St Benedict Joseph Labre and our own Stations of the Cross for the Mentally Ill. My plan is to release them together for our 25th anniversary and include them with next year's newsletter.
HOW YOU CAN HELP? I need a theme of images for the Stations of the Cross for the Mentally Ill. If you could start your research and send me a theme of images of the Stations of the Cross we could place in our printing. We will use the typical 14 images for each station and the final one will be Our Lord's Resurrection.
I will choose the images I feel most appopriate. Who knows? You may be the person who gets to choose the images for the production. You can search the internet and email the links to me at or send some images to the Guild mailing address below.
I am not willing to release publicly the full lot until the designing stage is complete, but here is a sample of what is coming out:
1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death
Our beloved Savior, the Innocent One, was condemned by men and sentenced to a shameful death by crucifixion. Misunderstanding, rejection and condemnation are common experiences for those with mental Illnesses. Let us pray for the grace to face our trials with serenity.
7th Station: Jesus falls the second time
Jesus fell multiple times under the weight of His Cross from weakness and fatigue, but He got back up and continued on. Oftentimes, progress in mental wellness can be slow and tedious for those who suffer from Mental Illness, and they and their loved ones may feel frustration, anger and even a loss of hope at the seeming backslides. Let us pray for the grace to never lose our hope and optimism.
The Resurrection:
When Jesus had risen on that third day, He emerged from the dark of the tomb with glory and power. When those with Mental Illness receive the help they need to rise up and achieve mental wellness, they cast off their chains of bondage and come forth triumphant and joyful to face life anew.
Let us pray for the grace to rejoice in the resurrection of our loved ones return to health.
Mail to:
Tim Duff
Guild of St Benedict Joseph Labre
P.O. Box 422
Maynard, MA 01754
Timothy Duff (Tim) CO-FOUNDER AND GUARDIAN has been a Catholic board ceritifed hospital chaplain for over 20 years. He has worked with psychiatric patients throughout the times of his ministry, He founded the Guild with his mother Mildred in 1996 under the guidance of the late Father Benedict J Groechel C.F.R.. The apostolate came about when Tim's brother Scott who has suffered from Schizophrenia was unjustly placed in prison, They prayed tirelessly and worked hard to not just release Scott but to change the laws in Massachusetts. Our Lady of Fatima intervened to help them accomplish the task. Their story can be read here