

Entries for September 2023

Flowers: Reminders of Redemptive Suffering After praying the Joyful Mysteries last night, I came across an article in the on-line enyclopedia All About Mary at the Marian Library at the University of Dayton, Ohio. The article, Reparation through Flowers, by John S. Stokes Jr., is one of the most in-depth and beautiful ar...


Since, we are going to be spending time meditating with Mary in October, I wanted to offer a little in-depth history of the Blessed Virgin. Over the years, my go-to place to look up scholarly questions about Mary is at the Marian Library at the Univeristy of Dayton, Ohio. It is now fully online and many resources are available. Take ...


Finding Christ in Those with Mental Illness
Finding Christ in those with Mental Illness- What does the Church say? From my own experience  of living and caring for someone with mental illness, I ask and meditate on the following question often: What is the Mystery of Christ within them? How does it affect those who love them and care for them? W...


Sr. Isidora's Reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary
Opening Prayer: Lord, may all of the graces and benefits of this Rosary fall upon those with Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disturbance, Behavorial or Learning Disabilities, and those who love and care for them. Grant them peace, health of mind, heart and soul according to Your Most Holy Will. We ask this ...


Posted in: General News
Chaplet of the Merciful Mother of the Mentally Ill
The Guild of St Benedict Joseph Labre's History of Devotion to Mary- Under the title Merciful Mother of the Mentally Ill (MMOMI) Prayer the Chaplet with us during Lent. A few years after founding the Guild in 1996, my mother and I felt a call to bring a new title of Mary specifically under Our Lady Guadalupe and wit...


Relics and the Bible When discussing relics and the Saints, there are those people who think it is superstition or some type of erroneous worship that takes away from Christ. Properly understood, Catholic veneration of a relic (like the one of St Benedict Joseph Labre pictured on the right) is the way we honor God through the...


Our Guild and Our Relics             Over the many years of giving talks and bringing the Guild to many places, I aquired gifts that religious people gave me. Yes! What you see in the picture above is the top of my fireplace mantle. You see the cross and the reliquaries. When a relic ...