The Labrian Family - Founded in 2006
Under the chairmanship of Lordship Jean-Paul Jaeger, Bishop of Arras
Celebrating the 125th anniversary of the canonization of his spiritual patron ST. BENEDICT JOSEPH LABRE
On December 8, 2006 we were given the grace and blessing to take part in a first-ever worldwide celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the canonization of St. Benedict Joseph Labre. We were contacted by the Brothers and Sisters of St. Benedict Joseph Labre from France. They wanted to gather all of the Apostolates from around the world who associate with St. Benedict Joseph Labre. We spent three days in prayer and discernment at the ancient Bec Monastery in Normandy. For a description of the monastery see Wikipedia: Bec Monastery. Three Continents and seven countries were represented and these distinguished members: the Brothers and Sisters of St. Benedict Joseph from France, the Little Family of the Exodus, hermits of St. Benedict Joseph in Italy and his Lordship, Jean-Paul Jaeger, Bishop of Arras, who is from the diocese where St Benedict Joseph was born. We spent three days at a monastery praying for the Holy Spirit to guide us. Under the Bishop’s guidance, we all took part in founding the new international Labrian family (see our logo and picture above). Our logo has a special meaning: The three hearts represent our patron’s spirituality; the white circle represents the Eucharist; the yellow ring represents the Light of Christ. Additionally, yellow and white together the colors of the Vatican and our fidelity to the Church. Laus and Caritas translate into Praise and Love that were characteristics of St. Benedict Joseph Labre, our model of faith. I was asked to give a presentation at the international conference celebrating this momentous occasion in Normandy, France. It was a coming together of people doing the works of St. Benedict Joseph Labre around the world. My presentation and a presentation by the late Br. Benedict Joseph are listed on this page.
Visit the Brother’s Website Here
Visit The Parish where St. Benedict Joseph Labre Grew Up
Finally we all came together to write a document named our Charter of Charity. The Founders of the different Apostolates all signed the document and it was sent to Rome and is also in the Church where he is buried at Sancta Maria Dei Monti in Rome.