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THE THREE HEARTS depict the words of St. Benedict Joseph: "To love God properly we need three hearts in one: a heart of fire for God, flesh for our neighbor and of bronze for ourselves". 

IN THE HOLY HOUSE of Loreto in Loreto, Italy one would often find St. Benedict Joseph.  Our patron would go on pilgrimage there, particularly during Holy Week. He had the greatest love for Our Lady of Loreto, and we do too. 

JESUS' CROWN of thorns represents the struggles of those persons with mental illness. Blessed Mother Theresa said, "Mental illness represents Jesus' crown of thorns." 

THE HOLY EUCHARIST - St. Benedict Joseph was referred to as: " The Lover of the Blessed Sacrament," and "Poor Man of the Forty Hours."  Here, in the center of Jesus' crown of thorns is a monstrance holding the Blessed Sacrament. It is the Guild's wish to rekindle that fire of love for the Blessed Sacrament here in the United States and around the world.