5 Things to Do at Home to Keep Your Spirits Up- Don't Give Up- You Can Do It!
Here are some things you can do to practice your spirituality at home
1. Adore and Worship at Home
Many of the parishes are offering their Masses on-line. The past two Sundays we set up our living room as a make-shift church. We connected the laptop to the television. We went on our parish website and watched the Mass (livestream) and participated from home. 
We also went to the Guild chapel and offered some virtual adoration: CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR CHAPEL Once you are on the page look for "Click Here To Adore" text and you will be taken to the live adoration which is currently online from a Youtube channel: 24/7 Live Perpetual Adoration hosted by Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Doral, FL
2. Pray at Home Together
Allow this time to move your hearts to come together as a family in prayer. Our family prays the rosary every night in our home office. I also suggest that you bring in the scriptures at mealtime. Remember, this is the holy time of Lent so prepare your family home for Easter. We may or may not have the Easter liturgical celebrations this year. Take this time to celebrate Easter with your family from home.
Pray with Pope Francis. He has been calling people together around the world to pray together at certain times.
Pick your favorite Catholic website and stay abreast of the Catholic prayer and other events. The one we use at home is https://aleteia.org. There are many others you can search out for yourselves.
3. Eat Well and Stay Healthy
Theresa and I have a vast number of healthy cookbooks and we like perusing them to see what our next healthy meal will be. Personally, we are moving to more of a plant-based diet and our girls have a lot of fun making different meals everyday. Remember our bodies are temples of the holy spirit and so we try to honor that in our home even if it is at the dining room table. How about you? What do you do?
4. Exercise or Move About Your Home
Many people are working from home these days and it easy to lounge on the couch, on a fluffy recliner or at the home office desk in front of your PC. Why not try to put limits on this time? Do some movement, listen to music and exercise or walk about the house. These are good sources of energy producing power and it will help you keep healthy.
5. Show Brotherly Love to Those Around Your Home
Our homes are not called "a domestic church" for no reason; use this time to express your love for each other. Charity starts at home: I remember the holy words of St. Francis of Assisi: "preach the gospel always; when necessary use words and in the scriptures: "by their fruits you shall know them." (Matthew 7:15)
Friends, do not waste this opportunity that God has given us. Collectively as members of our Catholic Church, this is how God will use us to bring His good grace out of this uncertain time before us.
My love to you all!
God Bless!
Tim Duff