

Posted on February 25, 2024 01:58

2nd Sunday of Lent St. Benedict Joseph Labre Reflection

During this week's Mass readings we hear about Abraham "our father in Faith".
He is challenged by God to remain faithful in the most difficult of circumstances. St. Benedict Joseph too, experienced life in a most difficult way. Our patron's prayer life, practice of extreme penance and his ardent charity for his neighbor sustained him so much that he remained faithful and retained his baptismal innocence his whole life and grew to a GREAT HEIGHT OF HOLINESS.

Let's not kid ourselves, hardly any of us are called to life of extremes like   St. Benedict Joseph Labre and most of us are not innocent like  him. However, we need his example to help us when we feel that our life is overwhelming and we question our own sense of covenant and fidelity to the Gospel.

Lent is a time to examine ourselves. St. Benedict Joseph Labre lived the Lenten practice every day of his life.

Let us ask him to pray for us and help us along our Lenten journey. Prayers like our Litany of St. Benedict Joseph Labre are there to help us. (One is included with our membership packet)

Click here to watch this week's video reflection for the Second Sunday of Lent  on our home page. (don't forget to scroll down)

Timothy Duff STM  Guardian/Co-Founder

                    The Litany of St. Benedict Joseph Labre
Used For Private Recitation.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

God the Father of Heaven,
have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost,
have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of God,
pray for us.
Holy Mary, Glory of Loreto,
pray for us.

Saint Benedict Joseph, Beggar for Christ,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Despised by the world,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Renouncing earthly ties,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Mocked by the crowds,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Reproaching our pride,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Tender to the outcast,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Ministering in charity hospitals,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Worker of mercy,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Saintly brother of the road,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Self-effacing unto death,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Example of humility,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Armor of chastity,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Zealous for souls,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Clean of heart,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Strength of the poor,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Christ's admonition,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Mantle of Holy Poverty,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Childlike before God,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Holy Wayfarer,
Pray for us.
Saint Benedict Joseph, Leading us to Christ,
Pray for us.

Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God,
Who takes away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us!

Let us Pray.

 Saint Benedict Joseph, beloved of God, lead us, poor travelers on this earth, along thy pilgrim way to God; shield us from all occasions of lust and pride, that we may wear the garment of humility in the sight of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and that we may be received into His everlasting kingdom.

 Merciful Jesus, Who didst, by the life of Thy servant Benedict Joseph, show Thy love for the very least of this world, grant to us, we beseech Thee, the requests by which the Holy Mendicant asks in our behalf knowing that he deserves to obtain for us only those things that would lead us to Thee, through Thy Holy Poverty on earth and Thy Divine Labors. Amen!

Imprimatur: +Thomas Edmund Molloy, S.T. D., Brooklyn, 1946

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