

Posted on July 07, 2023 08:56

Happy Fourth of July,

Hello Everyone, 

Happy Fourth July,  its been hard for me as you all know, but I am still going to remain on the Apostolate as long as I can. I am asking for your help going forward.  I am happy to say that I am still here and I do intend to carry on as I have said. If we are to stay in touch, I need help from you going forward.

Looking for members to submit articles for the Guild Blogs

How you can help:  I am looking for new people to assist me with writing articles. My blogs are automatically posted on Monday 11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time. So, they can be submitted a few days in advance. I will edit them as they come to me. If you prefer to remain anonymous, I can do that, However, I prefer to use no last names. I'd like to say: your first name and "Guild member" since,,.(the year you joined)

As you can see from my picture, I have lost close to 50 pounds since suffering from COVID. I am weak but I do things as I can. It is nnot possible for me to do snail mail anymore and I do not know how to deal with that as we have many older members who do not have computers. I'd be open to your suggestions.









I will beging saying the Chaplet of the Merciful MOther on Zoom starting Sunday July 16th

I really do Hope you can join me.


More information will be coming out soon.


God Bless


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