Guardian's Message- Holy Week 2023
Hello Everyone,
I hope your preparations for Holy Week are going well. May all of your Lenten practices bear fruit for your Easter celebrations. Over the past months a lot of soul searching for myself has been going on.
Holy Week is such a grace filled time for everyone.
Spending time with Mary during this week is important. Do any of you reflect on the seven sorrows of Mary? See the republishing of my blog articles on the Chaplet of the Merciful Mother and on the Stations of the Cross. I too will be praying and meditating with you asking God to fill our hearts with Grace.
God is our father - Reach out to Him during Holy Week
You have not heard from me: I was struggling with accepting my life with long-term COVID turning into long-term disability. I had to come to terms within myself that I will no longer be able to work by offering chaplain ministry as my career. I went on retired status this month after twenty years of professional ministry.
In my own reflections, "God as Father"... "Abba", "Daddy" has been trying to reach out to me. I felt His presence and desired to know Him during my prayers. However, in my own stubborness it has taken time for me to listen. I have decided to learn more about abandoning onself in knowing God's Will. So, starting April 16th,(St. Benedict Joseph's Feast Day), I am going to do the 30 Day Spiritual Excercises of St. Ignatious.
I know now why God called me to work for the Jesuits for the last year or so of my ministry. They taught about the values and practices of the Ignatian Way. That's why I decided to go with the Ignatian 30 day retreat.
A Fitting Conclusion- A New Call to the Apostolate

Part of the Spiritual Excercises that I have read are called "A Call to the Apostolate"
I am praying that God will inspire me going forward to build of the Guild into new ways. Quite fitting with the Feast of St Benedict Joseph fast approaching on April 16th.
God Bless!
Timothy Duff
Guardian/ Co Founder