  • Inside Church


We offer shared hearts of compassion for those with mental illness and brain disorders

Our Mission:

We Pray, Educate and Advocate for those affected by this human tragedy

  • The aloneness that Christ experienced can be a great sign of hope. This holds true especially for those with depression and other emotional difficulties. You or your loved one can be enrolled as a member of our Our Guild to receive spitiutal benefits  (click )
  • We are their spiritual support. - Over 400 Catholic religious communities are offering their prayers for us. Many people with mental illness have great moral courage in dealing with the challenges that come with the illness but sometimes they feel alone and abandoned. They do need our encouragement and prayers. Read on: find out how to join us in prayer. 
  • Spiritual Advocacy- (click image to left)
  • Come Pray With Us- click


Our Offical Ministry- MMOMI Support Groups


Zoom meeting 

Meeting ID: 746 6452 6825
Passcode: N3J4P2  

To Join Click Zoom Meeting Link


Click Here to Connect by Phone: Visit Support Group Page and Scroll Down


Monthly Bulletin: Under Her Mantle for MMOMI Spiritual Support Groups- visit blog to read and download your own copy



We provide spiritual and emotional support:

Prayer, Education and Advocacy

Scroll down to learn more

  • I was sick and you visited me- (Mt. 25:36) "But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (LK 14:13,ver. RC,RSV) We offer a special spiritual care named:

  • We are Family Advocates- Aloneness, Misconceptions and Feeling Overwhelmed are common experiences of family members supporting their loved ones with mental illness. We realize the spiritual needs of these holy people and the gap that exists in our Church to address the needs of families who suffer with mental illness. Through our support groups we strive to provide, Hope, Healing and Comfort. - scroll down 

Timothy visits his brother Scott

at a state psychiatric hospital- (Scott was hospitalized for 50 years.)

"May we start a new spiritual movement of prayer and support for those with brain disorders and all types of mental and emotional illnesses".

Timothy Duff, STM, Board Certified Chaplain (Guardian/ Co Founder)






What are our spiritual support Groups? "MMOMI"


Named after - The Merciful Mother of the mentally ill

(Currently We are Re-establishing all of our groups over the Zoom Platfrom- Planning a re-start Spring 2024)

  • Our groups are not therapy - Spiritual support groups are different from therapy groups.

  • Our groups offer the sacred space to share and speak about our relationship with God.

    • We learn from reflecting on our spiritual experiences in light of the teachings of the Catholic Church.

  • We don’t prescribe a certain diagnosis or treatment plan.

    • Instead, we encourage a focus on spirituality as a means to find meaning, hope and comfort.

  • We invite anyone to attend who is searching for a way to be at peace with God

    • while having an illness themselves or experiencing a family member or friend with a brain disorder or mental illness.

  • We are Catholic and ecumenical.

    • We welcome everyone

  • Each Group embodies Prayer, Education and Advocacy

A Sample Agenda

Prayer Time in Adoration: Reflections on our patron’s life - 15 min.

“Under Her Mantle”: Our monthly bulletin - 5 min.

Supporting one another: Become people with three hearts - 30 min.

Reflection on Catholic Teaching:

Compassion & Understanding - 20 min.

Time of Compassion: Our educational piece - 15 min.

Advocacy: Voice for the voiceless - 5 min.

Question and Answers:

Close with chaplet prayer:

Total: 1 to 1½ Hours




St. Teresa of Calcutta's letter to our Guild

  • Join us: Become the "ONE COMFORT" to Jesus Suffering in those with mental illness

"Our comfort is not in this world. God afflicts us because he loves us; and it is very pleasing to Him, when in our afflictions he sees us abandon ourselves to his paternal care."

Saint Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-1783)

Sign Up to receive our weekly blog news- click here to see blogs

You can sign up to receive it by filling out "sign up for newsletter" on the bottom of the webpages in black.

News - Spring 2024

  • We Pray the Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

  • Cardinal Burke's 9 Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe  Click text: below to join novena and watch the first video reflection 


  • Bishop Robert Barron from Word on Fire addresses the current mental health crisis

  • Confession a place of Victory

  • Join Cardinal's Burke's Nine month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe- Starts in March

Cardinal Burke is calling upon all Catholics to join him in a significant Novena seeking Our Lady’s intercession. Our Lady has not forgotten her children: her care for us is as strong today as it was 500 years ago. Will you answer the call? (click image to watch his video)

Spiritual Support for Those Who Suffer with Brain Disorders and Mental Illnesses











The late Mildred Duff (Co-Founder)

presents to MMOMI Support Group

Lincoln Nebraska




"Be Not Afraid"









A painting of Scott Duff

representing all those with mental illness




My Suffering Son

I saw the suffering Christ today, as plain as he could be.
I saw the suffering Christ today, he was staring back at me.
I saw the suffering Christ today, I saw my suffering son.
I saw the suffering Christ today, for he lives in everyone.
He spoke no words, not even tears But I heard his anguished sigh.
I saw the suffering Christ today And I could not help but cry.
by the late Mrs. Mildred Duff

Co-Founder/ Scott's Mother


Live- Summer The Stations of the Cross for Persons with Mental Illness and their Families & Friends- Every Friday 3 PM ET
Summer Stations of the Cross for Persons with Mental Illness and their Family and Friends Click Here: Sample Stations of the Cross pdf UPDATE: Due to high demand-You will now be able to pray with us Fridays at 3 PM- Starts Friday June 7th @ at 3 PM EST (June, July & August) (ZOOM M...

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Sr. Isidora's Reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary
Opening Prayer: Lord, may all of the graces and benefits of this Rosary fall upon those with Mental Illness, Psychiatric Disturbance, Behavorial or Learning Disabilities, and those who love and care for them. Grant them peace, health of mind, heart and soul according...

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Our Lord's Crown of Thorns & Mental Illness
Jesus speaks to the depressed and to the bereaved. by Timothy Duff, STM, MA CHL Cert. edited by Theresa Duff "Mental Illness is represented by Jesus' Crown of Thorns"-  St. Teresa of Calcutta As Catholics, we honor the days between Palm Sunday and Easter, our Holy We...

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